Kill procrastination, destroy overwhelm, slay self-sabotage, and get a laser-like focus to achieve epic productivity, profit and performance during challenging times.


Introducing the “Just Results” Accountability Mastermind! A simple and unique way of supporting you in focusing solely on the essentials of achieving your goals. No fluff – pure accountability, inspired action and progress tracking.

If you TRULY want those game-changing results: to consistently Improve Your Profits and Performance, while achieving a greater sense of clarity, control, confidence and success In Your Business, then apply for one of the remaining 10 spots available before it's too late. Let's Simplify Your Success!


Take a Moment to Check-in and Ask Yourself...

  • Are you satisfied with your progress this year?
  • How many of the projects you started this year are complete? Were the completed ones successful?
  • Are you spending your time on low value tasks before doing the deep work that gets you clients and gets your clients results?
  • Have the unusual circumstances of this year thrown you 'off kilter'?
  • Are the things that used work, less effective in these changing times?
  • Is your business's to-do list packed with masses of ideas, full of hard, overwhelming projects... none of which are broken down...?
...Let's face it, the world is shifting and changing faster than ever and it can feel fruitless to set goals and stick to targets.
It’s no wonder you’re procrastinating on doing what you need to do to grow your business.
But guess what? You're not alone. All business owners get to a point where they feel swamped, stuck and frustrated with their progress. Especially if you understand the 'truth' about this r/evolution we find ourselves in.
The businesses you see succeeding at the moment, have found a way to rise to the challenge, see opportunities and possibilities where others see restriction, and explode through fear and limitations while continuing to show up, irrespective of the 'noise'. 
If you're at that point where you are ready to regroup and blast through - CONGRATS! 
Let's get you there...
What Belinda Says:

” have that contact regularly with someone who is there for you, to support you and your business, and wants to see the best for you and your business is just priceless.



 Working on Your Business Doesn't Have to Be So Difficult - Let's Simplify Your Success.

Can you believe so much of the year has gone already?
How are doing with those 2024 goals? 
Whether you have goals that you set out to achieve at the beginning of the year, you’re looking to make a pivot, or are completely re-evaluating your next moves in life, you can take control and make them happen. 
I know that I have had a big reset in my business and my life this year and am all in on getting results for myself and my clients, taking us to the next level of...
 Productivity, Profit, Performance, Success, Agency and Freedom.

Success doesn't come from working harder or longer, it comes from being consistent.

More consistent (but not necessarily perfect) action leads to quicker success, without the stress. Identifying that one thing that will keep you 'driven' and focused but adaptable, is key in these times.
And this is what “Just Results” will help you to achieve, that consistent action, that failing forward, to get you to your goals quicker.
If you want results - “Just Result” focuses on 'Proactive Action' (consistently doing what gets results, even if it's uncomfortable) and calls out 'Passive Action (thinking about it, researching, and behind the scenes stuff).
We hone in on doing the essentials to achieve your goals. We identify the key actions to get you results. Using the 'Power of One Simply Success Strategy', we cut out the superfluous.
No fluff – pure accountability, inspired action and progress evaluation.
Keeping it really simple.

Is This For You?

First off, it’s for business owners, the self-employed and anybody whose income is based on results. It's especially for Awakening Entrepreneurs, who have an understanding of where we find ourselves at this time. 
There are other forces at work in the world, many of which are seemingly beyond our own personal sense of agency and control. Sure, we can influence and impact. But there is a lot of chaos in the cosmos that has to be dealt with.
In times like these, when you clearly are not the only one in the driver’s seat, you need to have something to ground you. That's why I created 'Just Results'.
You get to reach out to someone who really understands the unique challenges this time presents, both mentally and structurally (Global systems, Geopolitical systems, spiritual systems, internal systems etc.)
It also means, it doesn’t matter what niche you’re in or which industry you serve...

...This WILL work for you.

The next 'Just Results' Mastermind commences 1st June 2024 and there is space for a maximum of 10 Business Owners 

How Much Time Will It Take?

Other than the initial Strategy Success call, the program is a super-lightweight, super-economical coaching program that fits INTO your regular work, that takes NO time out of your week, and that truly keeps you focused on your business and sales goals during uncertain times.


You don’t get inundated with checklists and tasks and “should dos” that mean you end up spending more time working on your goals than you do working on your business.
In fact, you get inundated with nothing.

Less distraction, more results – Just Results!

Here’s what that looks like:

How Does "Just Results" Work?

There are only 3 steps to creating the Next Level Business Success you want...

1 - Strategy Call

Review and commit to your goals and action plan for the next year to achieve phenomenal Business growth.


2 - Weekly Emails

Answer 3 key Questions and email your responses - Stay on target to achieve your goals consistently


3 - Feedback & Support

Get Feedback and Support.

Gain the skills to stay focused, consistent and motivated.


You’re just a few steps away from improved performance, more clarity and structure, a greater sense of ownership, and increased confidence in achieving your results.
Join "Just Results" Mastermind today and commit to your success.


In Summary - As a Just Results Accountability Mastermind Member, you'll get:

  • A 1:1 goal-setting session with Heather who is a Master Accountability Coach
  • Weekly 1:1 check-ins with your Accountability Coach – via email where you answer 3 simple questions.
  • Weekly 1:1 Expert Feedback and support via email

    That’s everything you need to finish 2024 on a high note!
     The next Just Results Mastermind commences 1st June 2024 and there is space for a maximum of 10 Business Owners 

What You Don't Get in the Just Results Mastermind

You don’t get community, distraction or demands on your time.
That’s right:
  • NO Facebook Groups
  • NO Monthly or Weekly Calls
  • NO Local Meetups
  • NO Annual Conferences
  • No WhatsApp Chats
You don’t get inundated with checklists and tasks and new software to learn, that mean you end up spending more time working on your mastermind than you do working on your business.
It's purely about YOUR focus and RESULTS!
What Tania Says:

...And I can't urge you enough if you are thinking about what's coming up, you're stuck or confused or overwhelmed in your business, and you just need that support. Someone just to literally hold your hand or walk you through it. I can't urge you enough to work. with Heather and to contact her literally today”. 


Meet Heather:

I'm on a mission to give Online Business Owners a Simplified , Empowering,  Profitable and Satisfying path to Success on Their Terms



The Important Details About JUST RESULTS! 

 "My JUST RESULTS VALUES reflect some of my most important life principles - Personal Integrity, Consistency and Commitment." Heather V Masters

If you share them, you’re probably in the right place.
The RESULTS part: this represents self-responsibility and Agency amidst the chaos.
The buck stops with you. You are SINGULARLY responsible for your results. No one can do the work for you. You need other people, for sure, but real change comes from within you - within your mind, consciousness and spirit.
You’ll have a JUST ONE RESULT based weekly activity when you join the mastermind, and it won’t take you more than ten minutes to complete.
Which means you’ll have a JUST ONE RESULT focus for the rest of the week: growing your business by selling the right ONE thing to the right ONE GROUP of people.
And if the landscape tilts, your responsibility is to ask for help when you need it.

JUST is an acronym for:  Just you - Undertake - Simplify - Track.

It’s about you, your commitment and your results.

Just You - We don’t talk to each other (even though there are others in the Mastermind). There is nowhere to hang out. You don’t even know who the other members are.
This is Just You, email and my attention.

There are no live events. There is no private group.

Undertake - This is a space to increase your ability to produce success irrespective of the chaos outside. 
It’s a space to submit to a higher power,  make choices and commitments, and act on those choices in ways that make a difference to your life and business, as well as to your clients.

Simplify – we use the Power of One strategy to keep everything clear and simple:
One offer, One Niche, One Platform, One Message, One Result, One Goal.

Track – we record your progress and the cumulative impact on your results. No fancy systems - a shared Google docs folder will do nicely for cumulative tracking.

Make that commitment to yourself to succeed when you join today.

What is that commitment?

To hit “reply” to an email and answer three small questions once a week.

I encourage bad behaviour, and if you’re so inclined you may grab that chocolate bar, dance out your success or pour yourself a large glass of wine before you hit the reply button.

When you join, you’ll get an email from me saying “hi” and we'll book our Strategy Success call - before kick off on 1st June 2024.

Then, you'll receive an email (from 1st June 2024), every Friday for a year.

That’s one email from me, every Friday, for 12 months.

The emails will always have [JR] in the subject line, so you’ll know that it’s me and you’ll be able to prioritise it.

The email will ask three questions:

  1. What did you do this week?

  2. What are you going to do next week?

  3. Anything else on your mind you want to share?

You shouldn’t spend more than ten minutes on it.

This works brilliantly for a number of reasons:

  • You’ve paid, so you’ve committed and you've got skin in the game.

  • You know I’ll be looking out for your email, so you’ve got accountability.

  • What you measure is what you get (what you did). That means you will study the past to improve the future. The Power of One makes tracking easy. We'll track the cumulative results as well.

  • You’re making a series of micro-commitments that become tougher to break once they’re public (what you’re going to do).

  • You get to do a brain-dump to clear the fog and blocks at the end of the week.

  • You will have a permanent and immediately-accessible “captain’s log” of all the important metrics and decisions taken in your business.

You see, EVERY “normal” business has reporting lines.

Those reporting lines mean that at the end of every week, month and quarter, managers report up the chain of command on their performance and predictions for the coming period. There isn’t a normal business in the world that doesn’t do this. It’s NECESSARY for accountability and quality-control. 

This is becoming more important as the chaos and noise in the world increases, and we see that the universe is not so obliging in submitting to our need to control as it once was. Measuring our results and keeping accountable, means we can fail faster and deftly adjust and redirect ourselves along our path to success during times of great uncertainty. 

From today you’ll have the same accountability structure. And your business will grow. You’ll report to me on your measurable achievements. How much, how many, etc…

Because of that, I take confidentiality deadly seriously. Your answers will NEVER be shared with anybody and they’ll be kept under digital lock and key inside my secured email account.

That’s our contract. And that’s the program. No longer explanations because they’re not necessary. You get an email. You reply.

In between emails, you spend your time well, because you know you’ve got to report back to me at the end of the week. You become more productive, more adaptable and you sell more. It’s useful. It’s liberating. It’s “actionable”.

And if it’s for you, you probably already know by now.

If you're ready to change your life and to thrive in this year of unpredictability, then request to join NOW.

The next Just Results Mastermind commences 1st June 2024 and there is space for a maximum of 10 Business Owners.

Check out what others say...


Working with Heather made me look completely differently at my business, she challenged my approach to its future, gave me new skills which allowed me to think BIG when it came to its future, its people and its clients and focused me on creating tangible short and long terms goals.

-Helen Shepherd


Her number one skill I think, is her ease to be able to help people overcome their fears and fulfil their desires, through her ability to listen and assess their situation, analyse it and then direct them towards a meaningful solution – she is someone you can trust to help, should you need it.

-Shelagh Fairbank


I always come off the phone when I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed or confused, and  you always help me see things succinctly and clearly.

And I come off being, you know, a lot more confident.

-Tania Farries

Frequently Asked Questions

So How much Does It Cost?

The Just Results Accountability Mastermind is worth at least $28,000 per year.

Why? Because you will be so focused and inspired, you will be astounded at how productive and successful you become. 

What are your productivity problems costing you?

I figure my productivity problems are worth $2000 to $10,000 per month in terms of never doing the very thing that generates revenue when I am not being held accountable. That's every month!

What do you think it's costing you?

So, $3000 (to be conservative) x 12 months = $36,000 a year.

Taking account of capacity, I can only take 10 members for June 2024.

At this point in time, the investment is only $1,476.00.

That's $1,476 (not a typo: one thousand, four hundred and seventy-six US Dollars) for the full one year membership in this exclusive club of just you and me (3 x payment plan available on request).

Why so cheap for private correspondence?

Well I’m glad you asked: this program often serves as an entry-point for people like you who need MORE in-depth coaching with me but want to “try before you buy”. So in that respect it allows you to “dip your toe in the water,” before looking at the Online Success Academy or my Simply Success Accountability and Coaching program ( a more time demanding program).

But for others, it’s simply all they need. Information is freely available everywhere. But accountability is always worth paying for. So I want to make it as open – and realistic – as possible. It’s not a scalable program for me.

I sit down every Monday and Tuesday and read all your replies. I then reply back to you personally with feedback specific to you. And it’s well worth it.

You need to know this as well: it’s a one year program. No continuity. No upsells.

There are no refunds. The value proposition is straightforward. You know what you’re getting: 52 emails a year that you reply to.

So get started today.

Just Results Accountability Mastermind


Per 12 Months

  • 1 x 1-1 Strategy Session
  • 52 Accountability and Feedback Emails
  • Cumulative Report
  • Power of One - Simplifying Success Strategy Guide

Don’t wait! Take control of your business today.



Get access to Just Results coaching - Simplifying Your Success.