Awakened Entrepreneurs - All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful, Resilient Online Business

Whether you are just starting out online, are looking to add an online element to your existing Service based business, or want to go to the next level in your results, we are here to help.
You'll find training, guides, free resources, technology support, coaching and courses to empower you to create your successful, future-proof online business, doing what you love on your terms.

Access your first free guide today... 
'Idea to Income: Digital Product Planner and Guide'...
click the button below and get started now!

Take Me To My Free Guide

4 ways  can get started together...

 Mind Magic for Entrepreneurs!

Podcast - New Episodes Weekly

Join me every week for my latest episodes, interviews and topics on Choosing your way to the Life and Business you want - especially in these chaotic times.




Click Here to Listen Now!

Financial Breakdown! - Incoming

Navigating Financial Crisis 

Join me Live in June to explore ways to navigate a financial crash, while identifying and taking advantage of opportunities to prosper in your Life and Business.     




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Are You An Awakened Entrepreneur?

Support and Community

Join our new free, private community, where you get access to a whole host of resources, Live sessions and an upcoming mini series to help you navigate World Wobble.             



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Facilitating Magic

1 to 1 Coaching/Consultancy

Break through to the next level in your online business and Leadership.
In my Coaching and Consultancy I work with you to achieve that next milestone success, whatever that is for you.


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Get the Online Business Breakthrough You Need...  

If you’ve been working to grow your online service business for a while now and things aren’t happening as fast as you want, then I’d like to help you create a MAJOR business BREAKTHROUGH. Here’s the story…

I’ve heard from a few small businesses clients that are having an especially difficult time getting their business to grow fast these days. They’re becoming stressed and anxious, and some aren’t sleeping well, It’s causing them to overthink, get caught up in negative thoughts and they’re losing their confidence.

After hearing about so many people’s struggles, I decided to do something about it…

** NEW, For A Limited Time **

I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a special, “Online Business Breakthrough” coaching session where we’ll work together to…

  • Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate online business success” and the “ideal lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you anxious, indecisive and working too many hours.
  • Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine that practically runs itself.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, and totally FREE 30 minute “Online Business Breakthrough” coaching session, click to complete the application to see if you qualify.

Apply Now

Since I’m making this offer for the first time and I don’t know how intense the response will be, I can’t guarantee a coaching session for everyone.

I’ll take as many people as I can and then start a waiting list. You can expect to get contacted to schedule your session within the next 2 business days.

If you don’t hear from me, it means I’ve received more requests than I can handle right now and if something opens up, I’ll get in touch with you at a later time.

Again, to take advantage of this offer, simply click the button to go to the application form and answer the questions.


PS: The sooner you send me your answers, the more likely you are to get a session. Complete the application now.

Click Here to Apply

Want to find out more about building an Online Business?
Schedule a free 30 minute  Entrepreneur Clarity Consultation call to discuss your most pressing project and to get your questions answered.

Creating an online business can be daunting and take time and courage.

I am not one to pitch a fairy tale. It takes work, a willingness to walk in the unknown with dogged, unshakable commitment to create a successful Online Business that works on your terms.

These sessions are designed to meet you where you are. To help you move forward with the next key task. For you to identify effective and actionable steps that you can take now to advance your business. 

To request a convenient time to chat, please use the button below to fill in the contact form and make your request.

I look forward to chatting soon.

I would like to Arrange a Time to Chat

25 Ideas for Generating Money Now! - Take the Stress Out of Your Finances.

Have you thought of all of the ways you can generate some additional cash in your business (or in your life) in the next few weeks?
I've put together a short PDF with 25 ways you could create cash in you life and business in the next 30 days, and it's FREE.
  • Feeling stressed and just can come up with new income generating ideas?
  • Worried about bills and staying afloat?
  • Looking for simple ideas you can implement now?
  • Feeling lost with no solutions in sight? 
  • Looking for some tips and suggestions that you can start today? 
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Transform Your Content into a Profitable Coaching Program

Tried selling eBooks but saw little profit? Perhaps it lacked personal interaction. Learn how to create a valuable Coaching Program and launch it within 7 days, using content and a list you already have..

  • Do you want to create an injection of cash into your business before Quarter 1 is out?
  • Do you want to add a higher ticket coaching program yet you get stuck in the 'how' to create it?
  • Have you already got quality content you have sold before (e-book, course, Blog posts, webinar)?
  • Do you have an engaged email list but think it's too small to offer coaching to (50+)?
  • Do you want a step by step system, to take you from idea to sale?
  • Are you looking to go from idea for your Coaching Program to launch with a simple, clear, step by step, paint by numbers plan in 7 days or less?
  • Do you need the motivation to take Action and just get it done?
  • Would you like to recoup the investment ten times over with your first launch?
  •  Have you been overwhelmed by choices and a lack of time and can't seem to get that offer out?
  • Are you looking for guidance about what to do, and when?
  • Have you never got around to offering your Coaching Program because you are procrastinating and can never seem to launch?
  • Are you willing to invest a mere £297 to create a course you could sell for 10x as much?



Yes Sign Me Up!!

Here's What Clients Are Saying...

Lorraine Stone

"... understanding other people’s journeys and marketing needs and keeping them on track, even though they are unsure of where you are taking them.

I felt you understood my needs." 

Belinda Latimer

" have such a huge toolkit of knowledge in all business areas that can help me and others.

Your knowledge of tech. Your knowledge of WOO. AND Your ability to combine them to come up with a strategy to help me! Almost like a business prescription!

Thank you for all that have done to help me in this past year. It has been invaluable to me."

Your Invitation to Join This Months FREE Masterclass - STRESS LESS, ACHIEVE MORE

Wednesday, 25th September 2024 - 7 PM (UK)

We're coming to the end of Quarter 3. How have are you doing with your goals and dreams this year?

Are you an online entrepreneur struggling with stress, burnout, and overwhelm?
Do you feel like you're working harder than ever but not getting the results you want?

It's time to break the cycle and learn how to stress less and achieve more in your online business. Join us for this free 60-minute webinar where we'll share proven strategies and actionable tips to help you: 

1. Identify the root causes of stress in your business

  • Pinpoint the tasks, projects, and situations that cause you the most stress
  • Recognize the physical, emotional, and mental signs of stress

2. Implement stress-reducing habits and routines

  • Discover the power of daily rituals and how they can boost your productivity
  • Learn time management techniques to help you work smarter, not harder
  • Explore mindfulness and meditation practices to calm your mind

3. Prioritize self-care and work-life balance

  • Understand why self-care is essential for your business success
  • Create a personalized self-care plan that fits your lifestyle and needs
  • Set healthy boundaries to prevent burnout and maintain work-life balance

4. Boost your productivity and achieve your goals

  • Identify your most important tasks and focus on high-impact activities
  • Eliminate time-wasters and distractions that drain your energy and focus
  • Celebrate your wins and stay motivated on your entrepreneurial journey

This webinar is perfect for online entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners who want to reduce stress, increase productivity, and achieve their goals without sacrificing their health and well-being. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from experts, connect with like-minded individuals, and take your online business to new heights. Sign up now and start your journey to stress less and achieve more!

I Want To Join The FREE Masterclass

The Choosing Happy Podcast - Featured Episodes...

Episode 2- Interview with James Wedmore

Episode 10 - Interview with Natalie Hall 

Episode 18 -Interview with Andrew and Pete of Atomic

Podcast in a Weekend - Take the Stress Out of Launching Your Podcast.

Plan, create and implement your podcast in 2 laser focused, 1-1 consulting days.

  • Looking to go from idea to launch with a simple, clear plan?
  • Considering quitting because you are procrastinating and can never seem to launch?
  • Worried about being overwhelmed by tech and a lack of time?
  • Feeling lost with no one to ask or to help you on a regular basis? 
  • Looking for someone to guide you about what to do, and when?


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Take The Terror Out Of Tech

'Just in Time' Digital Marketing and Tech Support for Busy Entrepreneurs

Tech Help When You Need It


Whether you're in the middle of a launch or want to run an Evergreen promotion and the tech gets in your way, Just in Time Tech support is the best way to make sure you have help when you need it most.

With the Just in Time' Digital Marketing and Tech Support Package, you learn just what you need, when you need it for your business.

You are guided step by step to implement as you learn, in bite-size increments; Enough to get you to the next step.
This keeps you out of overwhelm, and prevents you wasting time on expensive courses that sap your energy, that you probably don’t finish, you get bogged down with, and that fail to provide that 'immediacy, ask any question, one-to-one, high touch', approach.

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Who is Taking Your Business Online and What Makes Them Different?

Taking Your Business Online helps awakened entrepreneurs future-proof their businesses against collapse by building on decentralized tech. Unlike competitors focused on centralized models, we empower clients to own their data, assets, and communities. This decentralized approach makes businesses anti-fragile, transparent, and aligned with emerging social values. We guide each client to build an ethical, sustainable brand that provides true value even in uncertain times."

In summary, the key differentiation is the focus on decentralization for anti-fragility and transparency, which deeply aligns with the values of our ideal customer - the 'awakened' entrepreneur seeking meaning and contribution beyond profit. This differentiation stems from our unique perspective on the future and commitment to equipping businesses to thrive through inevitable shifts ahead.

Introducing Heather Masters, founder and Awakened Entrepreneur

Heather Masters is the founder of Taking Your Business Online and was born and raised in the North of England. She’d love to say it was warm and sunny but ‘atmospheric weather’ seems more fitting. After a lifetime of being a bit of a nomad, she now resides in the beautiful Northumberland National Park and runs her business from her home.  For the last 25+ years, Heather has leveraged her variety of expertise to help small businesses and Entrepreneurs with strategy, technical writing and support, project management, systems and processes and Online/Digital marketing, to grow and evolve their businesses. 

She offers practical and empowering training, coaching, facilitation and mentoring as well as a private community, podcast and courses, including the Online Success Academy.

Heather is reshaping Taking Your Business Online and focusing in on helping Awakened Entrepreneurs to navigate the global chaos, and the challenges specific to small and solo businesses around the world. She is working on a new signature program for Awakened Entrepreneurs to help them grow into the 'parallel economy'. 

You can join the private (Kajabi) community by clicking the button  below.

From Heather...

"I consider myself an Awakened Entrepreneur. I have the gift (or curse) of seeing the bigger picture, along with the ability to make connections where others may not see them.

This served me well working as a consultant and consultancy manager for software companies and for Financial Services organisations (including banks) over 20 + years.

Seeing the big picture over the last three years has allowed me to take action to change my circumstances and prepare for the unknown. 

I know I am here for a reason and that I have a specific purpose to fulfil during these unprecedented times. After much resistance - this is me showing up to serve and assist Entrepreneurs to build freedom based,  sustainable, decentralized businesses that empower them financially and spiritually to thrive, even in the face of societal collapse. ."


Join the FREE Private Awakened Entrepreneur Community


Available Now... 

Right now, Heather is hosting weekly live webinars, (covering such topics as growing your business in turbulent times, exploring alternative/disruptive platforms, tech, finance, funnels, strategy, growth, content marketing and more).

She is currently creating a Starter Pack for Online Entrepreneurs to support them in reviewing and replanning their businesses and finances so they thrive during these extraordinary times (planned for release May 2024).

Through Taking Your Business online, Heather also offers Intuitive and NLP based facilitation and coaching for individuals to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be.



A little More About Heather...

When Heather isn't working, she can be found walking with her best friends and companions, her two dogs Sandy and Blue. She's an avid reader, enjoys writing, and hosting an 8000+ strong Creative Writing group. She is an intuitive coach, fascinated by spiritual alchemy for good and is a student of all things woo, energy and consciousness.

Her motto is simple: Serve and serve so that you can truly flourish and live!

Need Support?

Email: [email protected]

How Taking Your Business Online Help Their Clients

Want to find out more about building an Online Business?
Schedule a free 30 minute  Entrepreneur Clarity Consultation call to discuss your most pressing project and to get your questions answered.

Creating an online business can be daunting and take time and courage.

I am not one to pitch a fairy tale. It takes work, a willingness to walk in the unknown with dogged, unshakable commitment to create a successful Online Business that works on your terms.

These sessions are designed to meet you where you are. To help you move forward with the next key task. For you to identify effective and actionable steps that you can take now to advance your business. 

To request a convenient time to chat, please use the button below to fill in the contact form and make your request.

I look forward to chatting soon.

I would like to Arrange a Time to Chat

Join me!- Awakened Wednesday Free Office Hours Live Call 

Want a chance to experience what it's like to work with me?

On the first Wednesday of every month, I offer a free 60-minute office hours call within the community on Kajabi. You can join our group session and ask me anything you want about Online Business, Tech, Marketing, Mindset etc.

First come. First served.

There are Two provisos:

1) The calls will be recorded and sections posted publicly to selected social media (Rumble – some maybe to YouTube).

2) There will be a five-minute, shameless plug for my new Awakened Entrepreneurs Program in the middle.

Sign Me Up!

What's Coming Up?
Events, Masterclasses and Course Schedule

Here is the calendar of scheduled events, courses and Masterclasses.

Want to find out more about building an Online Business?
Schedule a free 30 minute  Entrepreneur Clarity Consultation call to discuss your most pressing project and to get your questions answered.

Creating an online business can be daunting and take time and courage.

I am not one to pitch a fairy tale. It takes work, a willingness to walk in the unknown with dogged, unshakable commitment to create a successful Online Business that works on your terms.

These sessions are designed to meet you where you are. To help you move forward with the next key task. For you to identify effective and actionable steps that you can take now to advance your business. 

To request a convenient time to chat, please use the button below to fill in the contact form and make your request.

I look forward to chatting soon.

I would like to Arrange a Time to Chat